Insurance and Annuities

The team at MW Financial & Insurance Solutions are trained professionals who can help you identify your financial needs and then determine which financial and insurance products can best help you meet your objectives. Some of the products we often use to serve the needs of our clients include:

Life Insurance

Many people think that life insurance is only for people with families. While it’s true that life insurance can help provide for the needs of dependents, life insurance also can be an important part of a well-thought-out estate, business succession, or charitable giving plan. And permanent life insurance offers many living benefits as well, such as tax-deferred cash value accumulation. For all of these reasons, life insurance can be important for someone starting out—or for someone who's starting over.

Whole Life

Term Life

Universal Life

Variable Universal Life


An annuity is a unique financial vehicle designed to help you accumulate money for your retirement and/or turn a lump sum into a guaranteed stream of income payments. Deferred annuities offer the advantage of tax deferral and can be used to accumulate money for retirement. Income annuities are used to generate a stream of income payments that are guaranteed to last for as long as you need them to—even for the rest of your life.* Some of the different types of annuities are:

Fixed Deferred Annuities

Lifetime Income Annuities

Variable Deferred Annuities

*These products are offered by prospectus through NYLIFE Securities LLC. (member FINRA/SIPC), and a Licensed Insurance Agency.
**Guarantees are dependent upon the claims-paying ability of the issuing insurer.
***All guarantees associated with annuity contracts are based on the claims-paying ability of the issuing insurance company. Withdrawals may be subject to regular income tax, and if made prior to age 59½, may be subject to a 10% IRS penalty. In addition, surrender charges may apply.
****Offered through NYLIFE Securities LLC (member FINRA/SIPC), and a Licensed Insurance Agency.